You get ONE chance at life and it's challenges.   I am here to help you ensure that you are squeezing every last drop of WOW out of it.   No more waiting for the weekend or vacation so you can get a break.  We can build skills so that you are a woman who can resiliently handle ANYTHING.    

I help women learn to embrace life so they can face their future with hope!  

I'm sally f phillips, life coach.

I'm proof of what I preach.

My story

I used to be super anxious and indecisive.    I also used to avoid confrontation (in the name of people pleasing.)  I kept my opinions to myself in order to keep the peace.   
Except there wasn't real peace, and internally I was resentful.

I wish I could tell you that my transformation was instantaneous.   But I'm kind of a slow learner.   And most of my learning was initiated from exhaustion, because overthinking and overwhelm wore me out.  

I learn best by watching: I met some fantastic women at church who inspired me.   

A friend from the gym taught me that we can all root for each other.  I saw some beautifully patient Momma's.  I witnessed some thriving marriages.   I kept all those people around!!
I continue to learn thru books, podcasts, trial and error and some wonderful friends.   AND THEN...I began to learn how to manage my thoughts.   It opened up a whole new way of approaching life.   I feel like I finally found who I REALLY am.   (spoiler alert, it's pretty easy to JUST BE ME.)  Life Coaching Certification gave me the tools to help others move through all these stages much faster.  

Get to know me a little bit.

Fun Facts.

past work

I taught (mostly) elementary school for 15 years.  At that time my husband was coaching Texas High School Football.  Yes, it IS pretty much like Friday Night Lights.   As a result, I taught whatever was available where ever we went.  After that, we opened a CrossFit for 8 years.  

i believe...

in God.  i believe you were created unlike ANY one else in the whole world.   I believe everyone has a story to tell and I am so curious about YOURS.   I believe in budgets, the magic of the outdoors, and decluttering.  

I'm NOt about...

long emails, or long posts!   I kinda wish I had invented TLDR.  I'm not about stagnancy, living small or letting fear stop me from anything.   I'm also not about frogs!    

daily rituals-

early to bed, early to rise! My morning routine takes ages: coffee, hanging out with God, yoga/stretching, working out in the garage, and walking the dogs. It brings vitality to my life and I love it.  

what else?

i've been married for more than 30 years.  we have two grown children and a daughter in law!

Once you take the first step, you'll never look back.

Recreate your life, however you want it to look.

It's time to get started.

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