value of friendship

Life Lessons with tremendous value

habits and routines

About me

You can face your future with hope! You don't need to be a victim to your fears or change. I'm here to support you as you learn how to manage your thoughts, feelings and actions in a way that makes you proud.

I'm sally f phillips.

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Life Lessons with tremendous value

Do you love lists? Making lists, reading lists, shopping lists even? They are all fun, short, easy passages to quickly digest. May these life lessons inspire you, entertain you and guide you.

1. Always leave things better than before.

Whether it’s a movie theater seats or a football stadium, can you leave it nicer than when you arrived? You will be making someone else’s job easier. This doesn’t just apply to cleanliness. What about the attitude of a place? You could make eye contact with the checkout person or simply smile at strangers. Chat with the person who checks you into your appointment. I wish I could remember who taught me this. I remember learning it as a young adult. It was one of the first life lessons I adopted.

janitor illustrating concept of valuing all people, life lessons for all

2. Janitors are your friends.

Befriend them, be kind to them, and take an interest in their lives. Their jobs are vital. Janitors are there to clean, but, do your part to pick up your personal trash. Most importantly, don’t make their jobs any harder than necessary.

3. Be aware that you are replaceable.

In August 1998, I started working as a Math Coach while being pregnant. Unfortunately, I experienced health complications and had to go on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. Despite feeling guilty about leaving my job, my supervisor wisely reminded me that I am irreplaceable as a mother. This perspective has stayed with me for many years.

4. Jesus loves me, this I know

I sang this song for as long as I can remember. As a young adult, I was scared when I flew. Not just nervous; my heart racing, ears hot, panicked. I could calm myself by singing this sweet children’s song: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” The fact that He loves me takes care of just about every worry I have in this world. I trust that whatever is happening, whatever I do, I have the love of a kind Heavenly Father orchestrating it all. No matter what happens, I am loved. And the Bible is a source of truth.


Reading is not only entertaining, but it also expands your vocabulary and allows you to experience things and places you might not otherwise encounter. Moreover, it’s mentally stimulating, serving as exercise for your brain while you rest your body.

life lesson-wrap up your gum before you throw it out

6. If you spit out gum, you need to wrap it up!

(this probably should be number one.) the only time there is an exception to this is if the trash can has a liner.

7. Assume the best

You texted a friend and they didn’t answer. What do you do? You imagine that they are living a fabulous life that is so exciting they aren’t tethered to their phone! It’s not personal.

maintain friendships, the value of friendship, women

8. The Wisdom of Maintaining friendships

If you miss someone from the past, reach out to them with a text, voice message, or DM. Let them know you’ve been thinking about them or that you miss seeing them. If you want to meet up, invite them for coffee or lunch. Don’t worry about who reached out last. If the relationship is important to you, take the initiative.

9. Get rid of stuff

Create a box to collect things you want to donate. Challenge yourself to get rid of one thing every day, or aim to find 100 things to discard. You can start by getting rid of expired pantry items, clothes that no longer fit, or plastic containers without lids. Another helpful rule is to donate or discard two items for every new item you bring into your home.

10. Your last lesson-Get Outside

Take deep breaths, be barefoot in the grass or dirt, or listen for birds. Watch squirrels, observe the sunrise/sunset or check out the moon, clouds, or stars. Think of it as an escape from your indoor chores. Think of it as a time to connect with your Creator. Or make it a time to JUST BE… be silent, be quiet, or be still. (Unless you have little ones…) Watch little ones and copy what they do. I wish I could tell you that I’ve been working on this my whole life, but this is one of my life lessons that didn’t start until Lockdown/Covid!

Do you have your own Life Lessons to guide you?

Get out an ipad, use the notes app on your phone, but jot down YOUR important life lessons. I bet you have them. Ask your family for help, I bet they know YOURS. Need help? Hit that Let’s Chat button in this link:

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About me

You can face your future with hope! You don't need to be a victim to your fears or change. I'm here to support you as you learn how to manage your thoughts, feelings and actions in a way that makes you proud.

I'm sally f phillips.

Go now

Life Lessons with tremendous value

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